Local landlord Muhammad Asghar (55) and his two young sons Waqas (30)and Aurangzaib (22) were shot dead while slain landlord’s three other sons were injured seriously by their armed accused cousins over an old land dispute in Doburji Malhiyaan-Sialkot on Sunday.
Reportedly, the family of village Sadra Badra Sialkot based-landlord Muhammad Asghar was sitting there at their house-cum-Dera when the accused rushed here and opened fire killing Muhammad Asghar and his son Autanhzaib on the spot. His three other sons Afzal, Fahad and Waqas were injured seriously. Waqas died in the hospital due to his critical injuries.
Police said that the accused killers were the cousins of the slain persons and main reason behind this nasty incident of brutal murders of a family was an land dispute.
Rescue 1122 Sialkot shifted injured to the Allama Iqbal Memorial Teaching Hospital Sialkot uncritical condition besides shifting dead bodies there for autopsy. Sialkot Saddar police have registered a case against accused with no arrest,in this regard.